"Antej" sortware package

The software package of new generation "Antej", intended for organization the Desk of Central Monitoring of the protection objects, allows you to automate the private security units activities for receiving and processing notifications to the protection objects, database management, document management, and secure data storage.

The software package "Antej" includes a number of programs, which form a corresponding workstation, range of services for receiving notifications via different channels, and some additional utilities.

All package programs are installed on the computers in the same local network and work with a single database. The number of workstations and utility services on computer and the whole system is not limited and all the necessary software can be installed on a single computer.

Аpplication areas

  • Desk of central monitoring organization for private security
  • Desk of central monitoring organization in cottage and holiday villages, garage associations, etc., with centralized security posts
  • Monitoring various parameters of the objects and remote objects
  • Monitoring (tracking) of mobile objects using GPS/GLONASS navigation

Main features

  • working with families of repeaters Phobos, Altair, Atlas
  • working with the Guard Panels on channels GSM, GPRS, Ethernet, LARS, telephone network
  • working with automatic and manual devices (arm / disarm, reception and processing of alarms and monitoring systems)
  • working with response teams
  • full documentation (reports, summaries, operative cards, certificates, contracts etc.)
  • protocols storage for a set period of time
  • managed and customizable access to data for each employee


  • information about objects is stored in a common database and can be viewed and changed from any workstation (with appropriate permissions)
  • messages received from objects in a common protocol and can also be processed on any workstation (complex has ample opportunities for setting the distribution flow of messages on various workstations, depending on the required conditions)
  • full description of the protection hardware configuration (The Gard Panels, detectors, accessories, etc.). Device types are also described in the database of their properties, the system makes it easy to introduce new types already in operation, adding, if necessary, appropriate services for receiving notifications
  • it allows you to handle on any workstation messages received on any (or the other) computer. The same applies to the managing of panel with manual arm / disarm; repeater can be connected to one computer, and manage and receive messages from any other
  • high automation and integration degree with DCM services. The system provides not only receive messages, but their preliminary analysis, filtering, grouping and transfer to desired operator. Alarm messages are logged, the system tracks all actions taken by the DCM staff for processing an alarm situation
  • the system monitors its own, when disorders in the package relevant DCM services are informed about the necessary debug events
  • generates a lot of documents required for DCM - reports, summaries, operative cards, certificates, contracts, and allows you to attach external documents to the objects. The documents are created in Microsoft Word, they can be edited and printed
  • high reliability and fault tolerance - for what provides several tools - automatic database backup, switch to a different database or work offline workstation. Failure of one workstation all its functions are automatically transferred to another. All events logged in the system, especially important - at several levels, and an archive of events for the entire period of work. Each operator is limited to those powers that are given to him by the system administrator
  • the installer provides an easy installation as the proper software package, and all the necessary external programs and drivers


АРМ дежурного АРМ инспектора Сервис «Фобос»

Hardware requirements

The software package runs under Windows 98 / NT / 2000 / XP, database Manager — Firebird.

On our website, under «Download», You can find useful scripts to work with the software package.


To get acquainted with the software package "Antej" you can install the demo version. In demo version:

  • no archiving protocol and viewing archives of other protocols;
  • it can handle up to 50 objects;
  • the maximum number of devices is limited to 500.

To download a demo version at this link:


Скачать демо-версию ПК «Антей» The software package "Antej" demo version 4.5.171


The best way to navigate and to get a better impression of the software package, we suggest You to download the help file of the third version of "Antej":


Скачать файл помощи для «Антей» The help file for "Antej" (3.5M)


For those who have already bought our software, the latest modification of the fourth version:


Скачать ПК «Антей» The software package "Antej" version 4.5.171